This training is  designed to make drivers  aware of their legal duties as a bus driver and their duty of care towards passengers. It also covers issues on disabilities and defensive driving tips. There is a practical demonstration of wheelchair tie downs and assessment of each driver on their ability to tie down safely. The course is run over two/three days. The first day is classroom based with a multiple-choice questionnaire at the end of the day. The second day starts with the practical demonstration of a wheelchair tie down.

Drivers are then assessed on their ability to safely complete this procedure. When this is finished the driving assessments start. Each trainee is given an hours drive. During this time they will be asked to demonstrate their familiarity with the vehicle. They are then brought out driving and are shown a ten minute demonstration drive, given tips on defensive driving again, and then assessed on their ability to drive safely. Drivers are only expected to stay for their drive and are free to go and come back for their appointed time. With the tie downs in the first half of the second day, and depending on the size of the class, driving can usually carry on into a third day.

Before an assessment of driving ability takes place, drivers will be asked to:

  • Complete and sign a Driver Registration form
  • Produce a driving licence

Driving assessment can only take place on vehicles that drivers are licensed to drive.